Bony to Bombshell, our strength training program for women, is now in Beta!
Bony to Beastly is doing great. Our guys are doing fantastic, and they’re a fun and supportive bunch. Every couple weeks a new jaw-dropping transformation hits the member area, but everyone who’s nearing completion of the program is kicking some serious ass.
Word of our bony-boy muscle-building spread across the interwebs, and we started getting emails from women asking us to make a program for bony babes.
Always up for an experiment, Marco ran a girl through our Bony to Beastly program, bicep curls, beastly eating and all.
The result?
The Bony to Beastly Program is Live!
Jared, Marco and I have been working hard to launch this program, and we’re happy to announce that after almost 2 years of research and experimentation, 4 months of rigorously testing this particular program, the hard work of our beta testers, and 3 months of long days of writing, our ectomorph muscle building program is finally ready! We actually had a pretty good time creating it—all three of us are long-time skinny-boys and extremely passionate about helping ectomorphs/hardgainers finally develop powerful physiques. You can read the story of our ectomorph transformations and how Bony to Beastly came to be here.
Bony to Beastly, the ectomorph transformation program, is officially in BETA (now live)
Update: I’ll leave this post alive, but beta was a complete success. Read the full Bony to Beastly story here, and check out the finished program here.
We’ve officially entered closed beta for our upcoming ectomorph transformation program. So far our testers are up by 5-10 pounds of lean mass in the first 2 weeks — pretty good! And we think we’ll be seeing even better results soon as they fully gear into the program.
Bony to Beastly’s finally cookin’!
Update: I’ll leave this post alive, but beta was a complete success. Read the full Bony to Beastly story here, and check out the finished program here.
The holidays are over and our skinny man’s muscle manual is coming along well. We’ve got a lot of the content written up, a ton of great recipes, and this weekend we’re filming instructional videos that will explain the workouts. Stay tuned!
The Ideal Male Body: Which Bodies Did Women Rate As the Most Attractive?
We wanted to figure out which male body types women would find the most attractive, as well as which body types men thought women would find the most attractive. To do this, we ran an informal study, surveying over 1000 people to see which bodies they preferred. The results surprised us.
We created several photo arrays and asked women to rate which male bodies they found the most attractive. Then we asked men to guess which bodies the women had picked. It quickly became apparent that most men were trying to build bodies that women didn’t even find attractive, let alone ideal. (We’ve since confirmed these results with a second survey using illustrations instead of photos.)
There were some surprises for women, too. For example, when we asked women which celebrity had the most attractive body, the most popular response was Ryan Reynolds. However, when we cropped his head off and placed his body in a line-up, they told us he was overly lean and musclebound.
On the other hand, Brad Pitt’s headless body (as Tyler Durden in Fight Club) performed incredibly well in the photo arrays, being rated extremely attractive by both men and women, showing some overlap between male and female preferences. But what was so special about this particular body type?
After all, Ryan Reynolds is only slightly leaner and more muscular than Brad Pitt, and yet those tiny changes made a dramatic difference (for the worse). Women thought that Brad Pitt looked strong and healthy, whereas they thought Ryan Reynolds looked like a fitness model, assuming he must be obsessed with his appearance.
Along with covering which male bodies and physical traits were rated as the most attractive by women, we’ll also cover which physiques men found the most impressive and what level of leanness and muscularity guys were most eager to achieve.
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