Posts by Shane Duquette
Bony to Bombshell
The scoop:
Marielle completed Bony to Beastly, our program for MEN, and finished with one hell of a bombshell body, as you can see. Tight abs, round ass, womanly strong curves, and an hourglass physique.
Now, after many requests, we’re putting together a strength training program specifically for women—women looking to lose around 5 pounds of fat while adding a ton of strong healthy feminine muscle in all the right places.
This isn’t a weird fad or diet. Marielle got there by eating healthy and wholesome food and lifting weights—heavy weights. This is a program for real women looking to love life and build a jaw-dropping body.
The Bony to Beastly Program is Live!
Jared, Marco and I have been working hard to launch this program, and we’re happy to announce that after almost 2 years of research and experimentation, 4 months of rigorously testing this particular program, the hard work of our beta testers, and 3 months of long days of writing, our ectomorph muscle building program is finally ready! We actually had a pretty good time creating it—all three of us are long-time skinny-boys and extremely passionate about helping ectomorphs/hardgainers finally develop powerful physiques. You can read the story of our ectomorph transformations and how Bony to Beastly came to be here.
Bony to Beastly
Bony to Beastly‘s our program that teaches ectomorphs how to gain weight—or more specifically how to gain muscle. Both Jared and I struggled through our entire teens and early 20s with skinny boyish bodies. We decided to change once and for all, saw tremendous gains, and 4 months later we were, well, a hell of a lot heavier.
In the process we teamed up with an incredible strength/athletics coach, named Marco. Marco had been in the same boat that we were—the skinny ectomorph boat. He has long lanky limbs, stands at nearly 6’4″ and struggled with his physique all through high school because he had no idea how to gain muscle. Over the course of 7 years he became a personal trainer, got himself a health sciences degree, interned at some impressive athletic performance gyms scattered throughout the states, and now coaches pro football players into putting on mass, increasing strength and improving their athletic performance — if there’s anyone out there that knows the secrets of how to gain muscle fast it’s Marco.
Jared and I became ectomorph bodybuilding “experts” coming at it from the other side — the geeky side. Jared and I, as you know, are graphic designers. We took to the internet and devoured every single article out there. We rigorously tested every ectomorph workout and diet that had valid research to back it up and we kept track of a variety of metrics — body measurements, weight, fat percentage, strength gains, etc — as well as photo-documenting everything.
When we posted the results of our four month ectomorph bodybuilding experiment online we got a fair bit of attention from people in the exact same situation as us. I was getting a few emails every morning from ectomorphs that had seen our results and were trying to figure out how to gain muscle and transform themselves.
We decided to make an ectomorph workout / nutrition program with Marco with the goal of transforming an ectomorph into a man with powerful masculine physique and a healthy lifestyle. And we’ve developing an online ectomorph community to go along with it. So far I couldn’t be happier with it — we’ve got a rockstar team of beta testers that are doing phenomenally well. This program focuses on gaining muscle fast, sure, and it’s got a large emphasis on improving aesthetics through postural improvements as well. What really impressed us with Marco’s approach to training though is that it not only builds a physique that looks powerful — it builds a physique that’s athletic, healthy and functional. It will improve pretty much every aspect of your life, from how you look to how you perform and even to how you feel.
We’re really excited about this program. It’s the most cutting edge and in-depth muscle-building program we’ve seen on the market, and our beta testers are already seeing incredible gains to their muscle mass. As I’m writing this our oldest beta tester is 6 weeks in and up by 14 pounds while also seemingly losing fat. The slowest gains we’ve seen, 2 pounds / week, are actually really impressive as well, and puts them on track to gain 32 pounds of muscle over 4 months. Perfect.
And best of all, it’s now live! Check it out here.
Bony to Beastly, the ectomorph transformation program, is officially in BETA (now live)
Update: I’ll leave this post alive, but beta was a complete success. Read the full Bony to Beastly story here, and check out the finished program here.
We’ve officially entered closed beta for our upcoming ectomorph transformation program. So far our testers are up by 5-10 pounds of lean mass in the first 2 weeks — pretty good! And we think we’ll be seeing even better results soon as they fully gear into the program.
Bony to Beastly’s finally cookin’!
Update: I’ll leave this post alive, but beta was a complete success. Read the full Bony to Beastly story here, and check out the finished program here.
The holidays are over and our skinny man’s muscle manual is coming along well. We’ve got a lot of the content written up, a ton of great recipes, and this weekend we’re filming instructional videos that will explain the workouts. Stay tuned!