Announcing: Outlive—How to get stronger, melt stubborn fat, and become healthy

Outlive is a new project that’s been in development for the past four years now. It’s a completely new perspective when it comes to trying to burn stubborn fat around the stomach, gain some muscle in the right places, and do it all in a way that’s healthy and permanent.

This project was born out of a few bad experiences. When I tried “bulking” with a calorie surplus, I didn’t get more muscular—I got fatter. When I tried “cutting” with a calorie deficit, I didn’t get leaner—I got weaker.

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4HB – Cheap Adjustable Kettlebell for Workouts

We made a quick video putting together the T-Handle for two-handed throws as shown in Tim Ferriss’s (check out his blog here) new masterpiece, The 4-Hour Body. Kettlebells are a great workout for your posterior but it can quickly become expensive as you buy new, heavier weights or adjustable sets. This is a DIY kit simply made of typical plumbing items that can be taken apart and transported, assembled quickly, and is cheap. Read More

We’ve gone live!

Our website, after many tweaks and revisions, is finally seeing the light of day. We’ve been happily slaving away on a few projects and we’re pleased to release our website alongside our first video from our ‘Lean To Mean’ series on bodybuilding (the name is still tentative…have any suggestions?). Our website is a work in progress so stay tuned either through our blog, our Feedburner rss, or sign-up for our newsletter. We know there’s an extra hand in our picture but we’ve got a new picture in the works. We’re excited. We hope you have a glance at our work and what we’re doing. Give us a shout if you have any questions or comments.

Our best,
Shane & Jared